Trade & Upgrade
No matter the make or model, trade your old water softener in for a new Culligan HE!
As a current Culligan® customer, you can save on your home's water. Based on our records, we can replace your current water softener with a new Culligan® High Efficiency Water Softener.
Advancements in Culligan's category-leading technology have improved salt and water efficiency by up to 46%* - more than any other softener brand. A Culligan® HE water softener with Smart-Sensor®Technology will save up to 20,000 gallons of water and two tons of salt over the span of 10 years.**
Take $250 off when you purchase a new Culligan® High Efficiency (HE) Water Softener!

Contact us and get better water today!
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*Up to 46% less versus a time clock regeneration softener. **Savings are calculated using a metered water softener over ten years, under varying conditions, as a comparison. ***See your local dealer for this limited time offer. Dealer participation varies. Installation rates may apply.